Welcome to Logan's Encryptor!

Click on what you'd like to do.


The help for the LCODE encryptor.
A lot of new features have been added since the v5 days, and some of them are hard to explain, so that's what this help system is for!

The Buttons

There are 7 buttons: The Encrypt and Decrypt buttons, the button to enable old v5 Compatibility mode, the button to download the encrypted / decrypted text, the button to choose a file to be encrypted / Decrypt a file, the button to enable the "Tada!" Sound effect, and the button to decrypt from a file. Let's dive into what each of these do.

The Encrypt / Decrypt buttons.

These are pretty self explanatory. They allow you to encrypt and decrypt.

The "Enable Compatibility mode" button.

This button allows you to enable Compatibility mode for the old v5 encryptor. Because of architectural changes between the old Scratch based encryptor and the new v6 encryptor, by default these 2 are nearly completely incompatible with each other. This button allows you to enable Compatibility mode, allowing you to decrypt old encrypted texts, and to encrypt things that can be decrypted by anyone still using the Scratch based version.
It also enables Compability Mode for pre-6.1u9.

The "Download encrypted / decrypted text" button.

For anyone coming from the old v5 encryptor, this button is kind of similar to the "Copy Me!" thing that appeared on screen. What this does is that, when you click it, you can download what you've just encrypted / decrypted as a simple HTML file; basically a text file. This makes it easy to save what you've encrypted to decrypted it at a later time.

The "Choose a file to be encrypted / Decrypt a file" button.

This button has 2 parts: the "Choose a file to be encrypted" part and the "Decrypt a file" part. This is not to be confused with the "Decrypt from a file" button. The "Choose a file to be encrypted" part allows you to choose a file from your computer to be encrypted, instead of what has been required in the past: using an external base32 file encoding service. The "Decrypt a file" part allows you to decrypt a file you encrypted without having to use an external service. However, all this button does is turn the decrypted output into a downloadable file, if it is a valid encrypted file. Otherwise, it works just like decrypting something normally. Again, this is not to be confused with the "Decrypt a file from the chosen file" button in the "Decrypt from a file" button. We'll talk about that when we get there.

The "Enable "Tada!" Sound effect" button.

This one is very self explanatory. On the old v5 encryptor, there was a "Tada!" sound effect that played when the encryptor was finished encrypting or decrypting. Well, it's back! This button allows you to enable or disable the sound.

The "Decrypt from a file" button.

And last but not least, the "Decrypt from a file" button. This button works a lot like the "Choose a file to be encrypted" button. It allows you to choose from your computer an HTML file made by the encryptor and decrypt it without having to copy and paste the contents by clicking the "Decrypt from chosen file" button. Finally, there is the "Decrypt a file from the chosen file" button. Despite it's perhaps confusing name, it's quite simple: It's a combination of the "Decryp from chosen file" and "Decrypt a file" buttons! It allows you to encrypt a file, then download it as an HTML file, and when you decide in the future to decrypt it, simply upload the file and type in your key and be able to download the original file!


This is the changelog for the LCODE Encryptor

Latest update: 6.1u15 -- 5/3/2022

Happy May! I've added a positively stylish yet retro-esque favicon!
And, LPS Students, happy almost Summer!

Full Changelog - Legacy Scratch Versions

V0.50 - Public Release

Update 0.60

Fixed "Period bug" where decrypted periods where outputted as question marks.

Update 0.70

Replaced Coma with space.

UPDATE 2.0!!!!

I have been making bug fixes for the few bugs I happen to find that I've been forgetting to report. Also, in this new update, I have added the ability to copy the output.

Update 2.5

Added apostrophe, coma, double quote and dash to the character set. Please report any bugs down below.

Update 2.6

Found that on mobile devices with keyboards it would say a key has been pressed even though I’m not actively holding it down, so I added a “Done” button in the place of pressing a key.

Update 2.7

Added new characters, combined ’ and ‘ into one (sue me), and added new encrypted characters so the new characters would work properly.

Update 3.0

I spent 3 hours on this update so it’s 3.0. I fixed many... many bugs and added all the numbers. Among the bugs I fixed are: fixing the Decryptor, decrypting :, decrypting “, ect.

Update 3.1

Fixed the fact that Apple uses ' for single quote, and did the same for ", and comma. Apple is weird.

Update 3.2

Fixed some dialogue.

Update 3.3

Added a visual interface (buttons) for choosing Encrypt / Decrypt and Yes / No.

Update 3.4

Used Yes / No buttons instead of asking in the script that runs once you click "done"

Update 4.0

Added something I've been wanting to for a while: The ability to use this encryptor to bypass the Roblox chat filter.

Update 4.1

Fixed a minor bug.

Update 4.2

Fixed some more minor stuff.

Update 4.3

Fixed the "reverse period" bug, decrypted question marks were outputted as periods

Update 4.4

Fixed a minor bug where outputted "x" were outputted as "?"

Update 4.5

Fixed the new period bug, where decrypted periods / question marks / x's were outputted as the next letter up, like period to question mark.

Update 4.6

Fixed a minor coding error in the decryptor.

Update 4.7

Changed the Roblox chat-filter defeat system to hopefully defeat the filter better.

Update 4.8

Changed the Roblox chat-filter defeat system to be more typo proof.

Update 4.81

Fixed a VERY minor coding error in the Roblox encryptor. (One number was 70 when it was supposed be 80)

Update 4.9

Made some changes to the Roblox encryptor to make it's output look more natural, at least in terms of the placement of spaces.

Update 5.0

Made some changes to make formatting on the Roblox encryptor even more natural.

Update 5.1

Added a "Tada!" sound effect.

Update 5.2

Added Input and Key to be cleared at the start of the program, useful if you're running the program offline.

v6+ - JavaScript versions -- 11/1/2021

Update 6.1

Port to JavaScript! ..wait, your telling me Scratch is incompatible with JavaScript! Shoot! If only I had my own site on which to upload it!

Go to bahjeez . com / logan / encryptor.html and see the latest version of my Encryptor! This version implements lower case support, and is WAYYYYYYYY (hundreds of times) faster due to being written in JavaScript as apposed to Scratch.
The Scratch version is now on legacy support. If bugs are found, a patch will be issued.

Update 6.1u1

Added Compatibility Mode for the old v5 Encryptor on Scratch, which doesn't support lowercase letters.

Update 6.1u2

Added a limit to the horizontal size of the <p> element used to deliver the output.

Update 6.1u3

Added the ability to download the output of the Encryptor/Decryptor as a text file.

Update 6.1u4

Return of the "Tada!" sound effect, as well as the changelog. Also added toggleable button for the "Tada!" sound effect.

Update 6.1u5

Bugfix update for devices that handle text files as ANSI rather than UTF-8

Update 6.1u6 - 11/04/2021

Minor bugfix update for devices that ignore the download attribute, like iPadOS, to at least make them open the output in a new tab with target="_blank"

Update 6.1u7

Made a minor change to the update numbering scheme, rolled back changes in 6.1u6, added support for the "+", "/", "=" and ";" characters, made keys always uppercase, making them harder to mistype.
Also added the ability to upload files and have them automatically converted to base64.

Update 6.1u8

Defined button size in px instead of vh and vw, added the ability to directly decrypt the autogenerated HTML files, and that's about it.

Update 6.1u9 - 12/24/2021

Implemented protection against a known attack, what I call the "2 way decryption" attack. Also added the legacy version for legacy browsers.

Update 6.1u10 - 4/11/2022

Added different numbering scheme for the legacy version, and updated the "Enable/Disable Old v5 Compatibility Mode" to say "Enable/Disable Compatibility Mode."

Update 6.1u11 - 4/15/2022

Made a visual update to the buttons.

Update 6.1u12 - 4/19/2022

Made another visual update to the buttons, as well as adding the ability to set custom backgrounds. In addition, I also added a "Dark Mode."

Update 6.1u13 - 4/19/2022

Made a minor bugfix update to ensure that the default Apple character for apostrophe and double quote would be enterpereted as ' and " respectively.

Update 6.1u14 - 4/20/2022

Made the code a little tidier.

Update 6.1u15 - 5/3/2022

Added a favicon.